Thursday, November 18, 2010

Winterizing Anderson

We got the season's first big dump of snow this week here in Calgary. I really love snow and I hope very much to be able to enjoy it with Anderson as he grows. Time will tell if my strategy will work or not, but I've been trying my best to get him accustomed to some of the discomfort that adventures with Dad will inevitably bring. Typically, this involves play wrestling, hanging him upside down by his feet and driving the stroller over the rough ground. The new snow and colder weather presented an opportunity to begin the "Winterizing of Anderson".


I bundled him up in a onesie, a thick sleeper, a toque and his hand-me-down winter suit. Clearly, the winter suit is going to take some getting used to. It's quick thick and his arms are rendered useless. My hope is that if we keep putting him in it, he'll grow to tolerate it.  

Unfortunately, it was quite cold that evening, and it was very near to bed time, so I don't think he enjoyed the experience too much.  When I put him down in the snow, he didn't really know what to make of it.  He ran his mitt through the powder a little bit, but the substance was a cold mystery to him.

I am comforted by the fact that things went better when I was holding him.  Given how cold it was outside (-10C) my body heat probably helped him out even through both of our winter coats.


I must admit that I am anxious about what will interest Anderson as he grows.  I hope he, Erin and I can enjoy lots of fun time out in God's glorious creation.  For the first few years, he'll have little choice in the matter, of course, but that will change as my little boy grows into a young man.  He may decide that the things I enjoy aren't cool enough and that will probably hurt.  But, that worry is for another day.  For now, I'm going to have fun teaching Anderson how to have fun!

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