Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nose Hill Skiing - Dec 20, 2008

Partly because the ridiculously cold weather had kept me from Lake Louise, partly because of the wonderful dump of snow on the hill and mainly for the sheer audacity of it, I took my Alpine Touring equipment out to Nose Hill for some foothills touring.  It's  a wonderful experience to take literally 5 steps out of my garage and start skiing.  It's also extremely rare.  

Here's a shot of my shadow in the bright afternoon sun.  I stealthily took this picture so that it looked like I was holding my pole.  You'll note that there are NO other people out.  It was VERY cold.

The drifts were quite deep!  This was on the main paved path through the park!

Either this dog had wandered off away from his master, or these were prints from one of Nose Hill's coyotes.  Given that there were no human tracks in sight, I'm sure it was the later.

This was the highlight of the adventure.  After wandering about on the top of the hill for a while, I slid down to a gully.  Since the snow pack was only about 30cm, it was pretty shrubby, so the way down was pretty slow going.  However, once I was at the bottom, this glorious (untracked) sight awaited me.  On the the left are my boot-packing tracks and on the right are my 4 glorious Nose Hill powder turns.  We skiiers are always chasing after those fleeting moments of powder bliss.
  This was one of them.
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