Friday, December 5, 2008

Bike to Work - Dec 5, 2008

I've often wanted to try and keep track of the more routine adventures I find myself on.  I'll probably throw some pictures from older trips up here, but who knows. Once mom bought me a little biker's record.  In it you're meant to make a few quick notes on the trip like where you went, the number of kms, who you went with, encounters with bears, etc.  I did that for a bit, but it never really caught on.  I also tried the "Light Bulbs on Mountain Tops" blog, but I just couldn't keep it up because I expected too much out of the entries.  Maybe these more day-to-day adventures will provide a less threatening blog style. 

All this to say....

I biked to work today.  Headed down through Nose Creek pathway and took the dirt paths just for a little fun.  Crossing 64th Ave, I got clipped slightly by a car's side-view mirror.  There was no damage and no real danger, but it shook me up a little.  I guess I should stick closer to the curb.

The paths are mostly clear, but for a very few spots of ice.  It was probably just above 0 degrees.

I really love biking into work.  I save gas money, get some exercise and don't have to deal with sitting in traffic.  If only it didn't take so much time to get all changed into my biking gear.

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